Published onMay 29, 2023Types Compatibility issues between Jest and Vitest using React Testing Library and their fixweb-developmentjestreact-testing-libraryAddressing Jest-Vitest Conflict: Fixing Global Type Identifier Errors and Optimizing Build WorkflowRead more →
Published onApril 28, 2023The Holistic History ProjectDatabaseWeb-developmentHolistic-HistoryCreating a new polymathic web project about historyRead more →
Published onFebruary 16, 2023Testing the styles of DOM elements with React Testing Libraryweb-developmentreactreact-testing-libraryUsing the popular testing library to test dynamic style changes in our componentsRead more →
Published onFebruary 13, 2023Removing Default React Imports. For a Cleaner CodeWeb-developmentReacttipsSimplifying Your Codebase with the New JSX Transform and Eslint ConfigurationRead more →
Published onJanuary 31, 2023Fixing Material UI and Emotion's handling of Transient OptionsWeb-developmentReactMaterial-UItipsPassing Props to custom Emotion styles with Material UIRead more →